Shop Updates and First Convention Back

It’s been a while since my last post and a lot has happened in that time. Things with my Zinequest 3 project, In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe, were starting to wind down after the Kickstarter backer shipments had been sent out—there were still the sporadic order for the zine here and there but nothing too crazy. That was until I got “Ben’d”(as someone put it to me).

Back in early July, Ben over at Questing Beast posted a great video review on his Youtube channel. Short version of the story; I wasn’t prepared for the attention and demand this would create for my book. I was extremely grateful for the excellent press, but I had to order more immediately as I was sold out within a few hours.

The aforementioned video review of my module.

So with the amount of traffic that my shop was seeing, I decided to update the look a bit. I took some new product photos and updated the logo/header. There are also a few new products available as well—at least to fill out the offerings a little so it’s more than just the place to by the module.

First(Last?) Convention of the Season

This last weekend marked the first convention I had the pleasure of tabling at this year, and the first convention back(for me) since the pandemic began. It was the Northwest Arkansas Comic Con held up at the convention center up in Rogers, AR. The convention overall was great and I did pretty well all things considered. The organizers did a wonderful job putting the whole thing on, really, hats off to them. They encouraged vendors to wear masks and the vast majority did, but I think less that half of attendees did. Even so, I felt safe considering I am vaccinated and masked up the whole time.

This convention is the third event that I’ve had an artist alley table at so I had at least a base level of what to expect and what I should have prepared for ahead of time. I even went so far as to create a spreadsheet of my inventory along with prices; which ultimately was a very valuable tool that came in handy. Though this was also the largest event I’ve tabled at, I feel I did a pretty thorough job getting my zines, comics, and art prints in order.

Shot of my table at the start of day 1.

I’ve got a couple other events that I have signed up for, but I’m not holding my breath at this point. My state is currently near the bottom of the country for vaccination rates, which could spell doom for the rest of the conventions planned for this year. I want to remain optimistic and I will certainly have my table prepared once again, but I also shouldn’t count on it.

With all that in mind, I’m keeping my head down and continuing to work on my next big project with plans to run it as a Zinequest 4 project. It will be a follow up to In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe though not connected, if that makes sense. I’ve taken all that I have learned from making the last module and all the great feedback given and am trying to make something really special. Stay tuned!

For now, Here is some art!

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