Category: Announcements

  • Through the Valley of the Manticore – Announcement

    Through the Valley of the Manticore – Announcement

    I’m very excited to announce my follow-up adventure module zine for Old-School Essentials. This time around I will be launching the Kickstarter campaign as part of the first ever Side Quest event, specifically designed for indie zine creators to get there work out there and seen by a larger audience. I made a post earlier…

  • SideQuest, a creator-led funding drive, launches November 2021!

    SideQuest, a creator-led funding drive, launches November 2021!

    On the 8th of September 2021, the Zine Creators Workshop announce SideQuest 2021. This event is modelled after the popular ZineQuest promotion on Kickstarter. Designers will crowdfund games over the course of November. By pooling resources, they will shine a light on all their projects. The thinking behind SideQuest is simple. ZineQuest is so successful…

  • Shop Updates and First Convention Back

    Shop Updates and First Convention Back

    It’s been a while since my last post and a lot has happened in that time. Things with my Zinequest 3 project, In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe, were starting to wind down after the Kickstarter backer shipments had been sent out—there were still the sporadic order for the zine here and there but nothing…

  • Dungeon Goons//Shrine of the Scorpion Lords

    Dungeon Goons//Shrine of the Scorpion Lords

    Taking a quick break between emptying my bank account to pledge the overwhelming amount of rad projects for Zine Quest 3 and wrapping up the art for my own project, I wanted to share a tiny project I have up on my page. My head is usually in the clouds so I often miss…

  • Art for Zinequest 3

    Art for Zinequest 3

    We’re just a few days away until the launch of a ton of cool projects for Zinequest 3, so, like most of the creators involved, I’m in final countdown insanity mode trying to get everything triple-checked before I click launch. The thing I’m focusing on the most in this final week before is illustration. I’d…

  • In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe – Announcement

    In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe – Announcement

    We’re a little less than two weeks out from the kickoff of the Zinequest 3 event through kickstarter and I’m wrapping up the bulk of the production work for my upcoming adventure module: In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe. The prelaunch page is live and now begins the rush to get the word out. In…

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