Category: Mechanics

  • Hearts of Battle

    Hearts of Battle

    Mass combat resolution using playing cards. This supplemental game is meant as a fun and tactical way to play out mass combat encounters in fantasy tabletop adventure games. Many games can produce large wandering monster encounters during wilderness travel, such as OD&D(1974), Expert Dungeons & Dragons (Cook), and their various modern retroclones. A wandering…

  • Using Chainmail with OD&D

    Using Chainmail with OD&D

    In this post I want to do my best to thoroughly cover using the Chainmail rules to handle combat in Original Dungeons and Dragons. At least, to cover the necessary rules to get a handle on the basics. Resources that I referenced while making this post: Dungeons and Dragons by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson Chainmail…

  • On Weather and Travel in Wilderness Adventure

    On Weather and Travel in Wilderness Adventure

    To add to the adventure atmosphere (ba-dum-tiss!) and help bring the campaign setting and overland travel to life for your players, the weather should be somewhat unpredictable for the Player Characters. However, in some instances, the weather forecast can, and should, be more accurately predictable based on observation and common knowledge.

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